It's not rocket science:52 ResolutionsHow to reverse aging, get healthy and look fabulous as you approach 50

About the Authors


Brian Cummings, J.D.

Brian Cummings is a blogger and freelance wellness/fitness writer who has been published online at Follow his wellness blog at He has previously worked in the wellness industry before beginning a career in law enforcement and is a lifelong fitness enthusiast.

Brian is a vegetarian and before embarking on his freelance writing career, Brian used an evidence based wellness approach that included a combination of healthy eating habits, proper hydration, aerobic exercise, strength training and abdominal work to lose forty-five pounds in seven months.


Kim Williams, M.A.

Kim believes a vegetarian diet leads to a kinder, healthier, tastier world. She enjoys transforming high-fat, meat recipes into low-fat, vegetarian ones. She shares her recipes on her blog, website, Facebook page and Pinterest

Kim has conducted cooking demos at the Richmond Vegetarian Festival and on the show Virginia This Morning. She also has authored a cookbook titled Vegetarian Light that features over 100 delicious, healthy recipes. This cookbook is available at


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